12 October 2008

Google Will Pay Your Idea $10 Million with Project 10^100

It's a question worth considering. Never in history have so many people had so much information, so many tools at their disposal, so many ways of making good ideas come to life. Yet at the same time so many people (in all walks of life) could use some help, in small ways and big. In the midst of this, new studies are reinforcing the timeless wisdom that beyond a basic level of material wealth, the only thing that seems to increase individual happiness is... helping other people. In other words, help helps everybody.

But what would help, and what would be most helpful? We don't believe we have the answers, but we do believe the answers are out there. Maybe in a lab, or a company, or a university -- or maybe not. Maybe the answer that helps somebody is in your head, in something you've observed, some notion that you've been fiddling with, some small connection you've noticed, some old way of doing something that you've seen with new eyes.

To mark our 10th birthday and celebrate the spirit of our users and the web, we're launching Project 10^100 (that's "ten to the hundredth") a call for ideas that could help as many people as possible, and a program to bring the best of those ideas to life. CNN will be covering this project, including profiles of ideas and the people who submit them from around the world. For a deeper look, follow along at Impact Your World.

Ideas are due by October 20, 2008. Get started submitting your own ideas, and come back on January 27th to vote on ideas from others. We hope you feel inspired enough to try. Good luck, and may the ones who help the most win.
Google ingin mengajak untuk mengubah dunia dengan aktivitas amal bertepatan dengan ulang tahun ke-10. Google mengumumkan Project 10^100, sebuah proyek untuk mengubah dunia dengan ide-ide yang bisa diterapkan untuk menolong umat manusia. Penjelasan di blog resmi Google menjelaskan mereka percaya pengguna internet dipenuhi individu yang memiliki ide brilian untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup umat manusia, tetapi tidak memiliki dana atau sponsor atas ide tersebut.

Google akan memilih 100 ide terbaik yang dikirimkan lalu meminta pengguna untuk memilih proyek yang akan didanai. Proses pemungutan suara ini akan menentukan 20 finalis dari mana panel juri akan memilih lima ide terbaik yang terkumpul. Google berkomitmen untuk memberikan dana sebesar $10 juta kepada ide-ide tersebut.

Contoh ide yang di berikan Google adalah Hippo Water Roller dan First Mile Solutions , proyek seperti itulah yang tertarik untuk mereka danai. Proyek tersebut memberikan solusi inovatif untuk masalah besar — Hippo Water Roller memberikan cara distribusi air bersih kepada rakyat di pedalaman Afrika sedangkan First Mile Solutions menyediakan akses internet bagi daerah terpencil yang belum terjamah.

Anda mempunyai ide yang akan mengubah dunia? Kirimkan ide brilian Anda ke Project 10^100 sebelum tanggal 20 Oktober. Untuk mengirimkan ide Anda beserta dengan penjelasan singkat dan panjang (300 kata), diskusikan siapa dan bagaimana yang ingin Anda tolong dan jangan lupa untuk menjelaskan kesulitan yang Anda alami untuk memulai proyek Anda.

Google membagi ide-ide ke dalam bebrapa kategori seperti komunitas, oportuniti, energi, lingkungan, kesehatan, pendidikan dan rumah tempat tinggal. Anda juga dapat mengirimkan ide di luar kategori tersebut dalam kategori lain-lain.
Sumber: http://elfarid.multiply.com/journal/item/819/Google_Membayar_ide_Anda_10_juta_dengan_Project_10100


Anonymous said...

Hi Friends..
Google is celebrating its 10th birthday.
So planed to sponsor $10 million for best 5 ideas.
These are my ideas, submitted to Google. Please visit YouTube, give some good comment and rate it...
You can login to YouTube using your Google accout..
Thank You [;)]... Please recommend to your friends also.
Video is very fast.. b'coz 30 min is allowed. So please use pause button to read all..


TuRBiN said...

thank for your information i'll try it now

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